Measuring What Matters
You can try to mandate what matters...
Yet most often it is met with resistance...
So how do we define, measure and hold others accountable for what matters most?
Humans thrive when they are connected to a greater purpose, engaged in meaningful work, and in an environment that leads with trust and safety, unifying a sense of progress on what matters most.
In John Doerr's book "Measure What Matters", he brilliantly layers in the foundational elements of a comprehensive, sustainable, positive culture with OKR's (objectives and key results) as the system to achieve increased productivity and innovation in any organization.
In its simplest form we can apply this wisdom to our daily lives at work or home:
Set your objective (or intention or vision).
List the important key results (milestones/ways you will know you are on the right track).
Set the dates of when you will achieve those milestones/results.
Layer in healthy communication (with yourself and others), aligned values (to ensure you and anyone else involved have the authentic buy-in and belief that this is in fact important and meaningful to you) and rewards...and you have the recipe for success.
It takes time and practice...AND the results make it all worth it!